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Sneak preview: new Krypto1000 coming...

Later this month, the next version of Krypto1000 COMINT - SIGINT suite, v1.012, will be released. As always, it contains a selection of new tools, features, decoders and new hardware support for the COMINT - SIGINT professional. A fuller announcement will be made when the release is available, but this is an early look at just one of the new features coming....

- support for the SP-13xx and SP-83xx tuners from Silver Palm Technologies

Silver Palm Technologies makes a range of high-performance hardware, with proven designs for the most demanding customers in COMINT - SIGINT applications and experience dating back to the Watkins-Johnson days.

To learn more about Silver Palm Technologies' hardware line, click the logo below:

To learn more about the Krypto1000 COMINT - SIGINT suite, click the logo below:

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