Get to know our website!
Our main page should help you navigate to the data you need, but just in case it doesn't, the SIGINT menu is a great first place to stop.
From there, we recommend the pages dedicated to each of our software suites. Krypto500 and Krypto1000. On their respective pages, you'll find fundamental information like datasheets and minimum PC requirements.
We realize that having 4,000+ precision classifiers, hundreds of decoders more than ANY other software is a lot of information, bur we make it easy. Also on the SIGINT menu, you'll find:
- a list of all demodulators
- a list of all decoders / decoded modes
- a list of the ~ 400 receivers, SDRs, SIGINT / COMINT systems, tuners and digitizers that we're compatible with
RESOURCES is a great place to find white papers and application notes about all of the various platforms (UAV, UAS, UUV, USV, ship, submarine, aircraft, manned, unmanned, clandestine) where our software can be used
RESOURCES is also a great place to learn more in-depth things, like how to use our software in wideband or multichannel environments, the kinds of encryption we can attack.
RESOURCES is also a place to watch overview videos about our software and company as well as learn of our latest breakthroughs in the international defense press' work on the SIGINT / EW theme
The NEWS page - an excellent source of new information when we release support for new systems, new hardware, develop new decoders or announce new software releases and updates. You can sign up to receive these news items automatically using just your email - fill out the form at the bottom of any web page. News items are also relayed on our Twitter account (@COMINT_SIGINT) and you can follow us there, too