The superb-performing, unbeatable form factor of the AirSpy HF+ SDR is now integrated for use within Krypto500. Our latest version, v1.264 contains native support for this tiny but excellent SDR.
As you can see above, all of the internal adjustments possible to improve the performance of the HF+ are available from within Krypto500, allowing the operator to focus on classification, analysis and decoding. It is an excellent SDR to consider for mobile or survey operations.
To learn more about the HF+, click the image below:
Krypto500 contains over 300 more decoders than any other software as well as an array of advanced features of interest to the professional COMINT-SIGINT collector or signals analyst - for any system or platform . Several recent posts here outline the details contained in our latest update to the Krypto500 SIGINT-COMINT software suite.
For any other details, please see our website or contact us below:
#AirSpy #HF #AirSpyHF #HFSDR #HFradio #HFreceiver #Krypto500 #widebandSDR #WidebandSDR #SDR #Receiver #SIGINTsystem #sigint #HFSIGINT #signaldecoding #signalsclassifier #signaldecoder #signalsintelligence #MultichannelSIGINT #WidebandSIGINT #signalsclassification #multichannelCOMINT #COMINTmanpack #HFCOMINT #COMINTsystem #MultichannelCOMINT #communicationsintelligence #comint #WidebandCOMINT #COMINT