The new Krypto1000 release is available to customers.
It contains numerous updates, detailed below:
New Hardware Supported:
Anritsu MS2090A
Daqscribe Wideband Recorders:
- DDR7000-R-100G
- DDR70-Mini-40G
- DDR7000-R-100G
- RDR70-Mini-40G
- DDR70-Mini-20G
- Ettus N320 and N321 (all Ettus models supported through UHD library v3.15.0.0)
- SDRPlay RSPdx
New features:
A full-featured precision FSK / mFSK classifier.
VITA49 Streaming Tools - Sends VITA49-compliant S16 or 32-bit float IQ streams over TCP and has optional controls (tuning, bandwidth).
Duo-NR (Noise Reduction Tool for the SDRPlay RSPduo)
Custom Sample Rates for the Sagax SRM3000
Auto-gain bandwidth limit for wideFFT
The DMR module has several new features: - Automatic key recovery and decryption of Hytera proprietary 128-bit vocoder - Added MotoTRBO Restricted Access System (RAS) detection - Enhanced Privacy (EP) voice embedded IV extraction
TETRA Location Information Protocol decoding.
Manual AGC to the Listen module for USB, LSB and AM modes
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